The fresh start a new year brings is filled with new ways to be, do, and have something different than the year before. Each moment gives us a fresh perspective for what else is possible. We can think to have something different we must do different, and this is true. Doing different begins with a sense of Being different. Being is about how you BE inside out, it is how you teach yourself or learn to respond vs. react which has been a very big lesson for me, then your present being offers fresh thinking which leads to doing and having different. Reaction to people or life’s circumstances requires little or no effort, responding requires a breath and a thought of asking what else is possible here I haven’t considered yet? This question opens the space for our question to be answered with so many possibilities that perhaps we have not considered yet. Meaning we don’t have to have all the answers, because of course we don’t, and the universal God winks of possibility is far beyond what we could ever create with our thinking alone.
When you launch an intention to be different the universal support shows up to expand you in so many unforeseen ways. Coincidences are when God remains anonymous. Remain open and practice compassion for everything that has happened and everything that hasn’t happened…. yet. Everything is unfolding in your favor; this is a perspective shift to believe in that supports remaining open to so many possibilities.
When things occur that we do not desire it is a reminder that we have gotten off our path of least resistance.
Return to self-awareness that you are not where you use to be, you may not be where you desire to be yet chosen to remember you are perfectly on the track where you are embracing your imperfect present moments. God winks are all around you, remain open to the miracles. Now is your time, and my time to BE a grander version of ourselves!! Seize this day!!
With Loving Presence to you,