This Amabasya culminates on July 20th at 10:32 am PST(11:02 pm IST) in the sign of Cancer and the Nakshatra or lunar house of Pushya. The window of the New Moon begins approximately 24 hours earlier. New Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon fall in the same degree, so this monthβs New Moon in its own sign of Cancer is positive. New moons are always a time where our sense of support and security is less, but the placement of the Moon in Cancer is considered a better New moon than most. In addition, the lunar house of Pushya where this all occurs is symbolized by a cow udder, symbolizing nourishment and sustenance. Pushya is ruled by Brihaspati or Jupiter, the teacher of spiritual wisdom. Pushya is considered the most auspicious of all the 27 lunar houses, and planets do very well here. So despite it being a new moon we are relatively well supported.
The Sun Saturn opposition over the next month may lead to a lot of self doubt. Indeed many people have been questioning their paradigms and looking to create realities that feel more sustainable as we carry on through this massive shift. This next month is a great time to look at that, while remembering that while Sun and Saturn may not always allow us to feel good about ourselves, it does support hard work. Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn supports us in slow and steady accomplishment of our goals, and Sun, the planet of our soul, can have us looking at deeper truths. Jupiter having recently returned to his own sign of Sagittarius until November continues to ask us to look at our choices and examine if they are lining up with our highest purpose. Mercury has stopped his retrograde cycle and is back direct in his own sign of Gemini. While Rahu conjunct still in the sign can skew our understanding and make the mind work overtime, still both of our wisdom and understanding planets (Mercury and Jupiter) in their own signs supports us to see the teachings and higher wisdom through all this confusion.
Finally this eclipse cycle is over, and the intense affects that were being felt from that have lessened. After a challenging period of struggle, the easier astrological influences coupled by the summer weather may have us feeling a bit more rest and ease. While this is true, I would advise not to be complacent. This is a time of massive change and reconstruction of our inner and outer realities, and it is far from over.
If I can support you in any way please do reach out!
Love and Blessings,