Pilates with Marilyn explores both movements of the physical body for better alignment and strength as well as a tool for embodiment and expansion of physical/emotional presence and happiness. She explores topics to increase body image resilience, self-love, and more with finding true love and joy for movement again – no matter what body you are showing up with today. Marilyn firmly believes that ALL bodies are GOOD bodies and you will leave believing the same! Marilyn’s focus is on education and empowerment through movement and exercise to allow her viewers to better realign and restore their relationship with their bodies in a safe, productive, supportive, and fun environment.
One of Marilyn’s passions in life is to spread the Pilates method as a Pilates Instructor, Educator, and Pilates Master Trainer. With nearly 20 years of experience in movement and fitness, specializing in exercise therapy and pilates, this ‘passion’ has been the fuel that has helped her grow an insurmountable skillset on how the body works, functions, and can break-down over time. As a self-professed education junkee ~ Marilyn holds over 60 certifications in the movement industry and a teaching background in multiple beneficial exercise therapies beyond Pilates – such as Yoga, Aquatic exercise therapy, personal training, functional training, and extensive specialized populations training.