Your Fault or Mine? Responsibility in Relationship

One of our subscribers, a married woman, sent us this question:  What to do if one partner is angry or upset and it appears to …...

Your Fault or Mine? Responsibility in Relationship

One of our subscribers, a married woman, sent us this question:  What to do if one partner is angry or upset and it appears to …...

10 Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Have you ever found yourself in the kind of relationship where you’re asking, “Am I in a toxic relationship?” or “Is this relationship really good …...

5 Tips For A Loving New Relationship Year

As we make our way into a new year, it’s a good time to reflect on the state of your relationships, and to set yourself …...

A Different Look At Commitment Issues

Do you or your partner struggle with commitment? Have you been looking for the reason why you or they can’t commit in relationship? Or do …...

Are You Experiencing “Pandemic Fatigue”?

You might also suffer from political and election fatigue. A good bunch of us are “Zoomed” out as well. On top of all that, we …...

Avoiding Conflicts in Relationship Makes for Big Shocks

She had the same old fight she always had with her husband, but this time, he threw his hands up and said he was done. …...

Covid-19: Opportunity or Crisis?

“This moment of uncertainty and unprecedented change is calling to all of us. We have an opportunity to hone our capacity to be with life …...

Feeling Heard In Your Relationships

As a child, when I didn’t understand something my father was saying, he would simply say it again louder. If I still didn’t “hear him” …...

Feeling Judged in Your Relationship

Do you ever feel judged and criticized by your partner? Do you have the sense that your husband doesn’t value you or your wife doesn’t …...

Going through Darkness Together

I was feeling off the last few weeks. I had several days of migraines and my joints were hurting. There was a lack of flow …...

Having Fun in Relationship

Have you ever heard the saying, “Couples who play together, stay together”? A quick Google search into this saying yields some interesting hits, for example …...