shifting toward receiving

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I AM NOT a scientist, though i do experiment with and explore the landscape of the body in movement – a lot.

I DO BELIEVE that we are always in partnership – whether it is with ourselves, our family, our environment, fellow beings – and that evolving our language, both verbally and movement-wise creates a connection that is essential to open communication.

I WILL NOT give you the “3 best ways to curb your appetite” or the “5 best moves to create core stability” because titles like these tend to veer toward the one-size-fits-all category, and we are all so uniquely gifted and beautiful that to do so would be to undermine all of our individual light and thus collective power.

I WILL encourage you to listen deeply to your own body, what it needs, and how it can serve you. you know it better than anyone and can trust in that.

I WILL NOT focus my energy here in giving you recipes for gluten-free bread, or your own non-toxic body lotion bar, or how to crochet baby onesies – though i do enjoy creating all of these “movements” toward self-care.

I WANT to guide us into deeper understanding of what our physical body is saying, because our body talks to us constantly, and movement is the medium through which we can begin to understand and shift energy.

I AM Stephanie Y Jolivet, your host here at Sayezz with Stephanie where movement and intuition collide to create a deeper understanding of and trust in all of our bodies.

each month, i will offer an amuse-bouche for us to “taste” – to practice and to muse over – in order to gently nudge us toward an expansiveness beyond our physical consciousness. i’ve come home to myself through movement, in the synergy between my tissue, bones, fascia and muscle, and the energetic flow of moving through space and time. it’s a gift i’m able to share with everyone who comes into my orbit – to help discover joy in movement, into connecting into our own uniquely intuitive body/ies.

lately, i’ve been contemplating my current bodily paradigm as the boundaries of my physical body shift and expand to create space for a new being, un bébé, growing inside of me, and allowing mon mari et moi to experience this creation story while navigating our new life here in Saussay-la-Campagne, France. the boundaries of physical and energetic spheres seem even more distorted and blurred out of existence when this little starseed bubbles with their own movement inside of me each morning.

even more so than this physical transformation of my body is the shift toward accepting the gift of receiving. allowing myself to embody this feeling as a strength is novel, and not always graceful – i’m a doer, a mover. and yet i feel it as a necessary and fulfilling step toward growth. movement, meditation, intuitive listening, play, French phrases, flow – these are all helping me ease into this new paradigm, and they are what i can offer as we move and muse together as partners and friends on Corporate Hippie Connection.

thank you for being here, mes amies. welcome.

begin on your hands and knees, like a table, making sure your joints are comfortable. send your weight forward and back, allowing a gentle rock in to your body.

close your eyes, and contemplate something that is challenging you and your boundaries at this moment – is it a person? an idea? a conversation you just had? noise outside? this movement?

notice if this thought changes your movement. do you begin to circle? do you move faster? slower? do you hold your breath?

continue in this movement meditation, fully bringing your attention to your breath.

then change something. maybe lift a hand. maybe stretch a leg. maybe drop your head. is this more or less comfortable? does your thinking change?

change something else. live in this new flow for a moment.
change something else. live in this new flow for a moment.
change something else one more time, and stay there until you are satisfied.

retreat into child’s pose, folding your hips back over your heels, resting your forehead on the ground, arms reaching in front or by your sides. make yourself comfortable.

listen to your breath. listen to your thoughts. perhaps they have changed. perhaps they have remained the same. regardless, something in you has most definitely shifted simply because of this focused play. honor that and come back to this practice whenever you are feeling stuck or frustrated or simply need to feel a new perspective, a shift in your bodymind.
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Stephanie Y Jolivet

Stephanie Y Jolivet is a mover and a shaker and has been since in the womb. as she now embarks on her own journey through pregnant person/motherhood, she is grateful for her lifetime of movement practices. she is some things: a certified comprehensive Pilates instructor for over 15 years, a GYROTONIC® Level 1 certified instructor, a certified Yoga Trapeze® instructor, an advanced intuitive reader, a holder of an MFA in Experimental Choreography from the University of California, Riverside, a holder of an MA in English Literature and Language from Oxford University, a recipient of the Maryland State Arts Council solo performer award, and a recipient of the Metro DC Dance Awards for upcoming choreographer.

but mostly, she navigates time and space by teaching amazing folx the joy of moving in their uniquely gifted bodies through her now virtual studio, Sayezz Pilates & Beyond in Saussay-la-Campagne, France, living there with son mari, Ludovic. here’s what she has to say about that: “part of my purpose on this planet is to share the beautiful harmony between the physical practice of movement and the intuitive practice of listening to your body’s own deep knowing. in this synthesis, we learn to live free in movement, from pain, and to breathe deeply, and remain calm under everyday stresses. together, let's unlock your LIGHT, you rockstar!”