Teaser – Advance Variation

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Welcome back to Pilates With Marilyn

My name is Marilyn Harder, I am a master trainer and pilates instructor

This week we will be working on our Teaser.Teaser is an advance variation of abdominal exercise and full body control pithing the pilates repertoire. Today we are going to really focus in on finding the deeper connections for that pain free teaser.

As we discussed in episode 12, sometimes the hip flexors can be really tight. When they are really tight it can make that teaser feel painful within the hips and the low back. We will start with some stretches, activations and then finally the progression into our full teaser. 

This workout will be one that you will want to revisit over and over anytime your teaser is feeling sticky or tight.

I want to highlight that our anatomical differences can make our teasers look different so we will talk about that in this episode and how not to judge your teaser against anyone else.

Thank you so much! I look forward to connecting with you in Pilates With Marilyn

Connect with me at corporatehippieconnection.com

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Marilyn Harder

Marilyn Harder is an ambassador of all things self love and self care. She holds both a Master’s Degree in Business (MBA) and a Bachelors of Science in Psychology from UC Davis and well over 60 certifications in the movement and wellness industry. She has an advanced knowledge of kinesthetic movement that she acquired in her work with dysfunctional movement patterns in a 55 and older retirement community. She works primarily as a Pilates Master Trainer and has taken over 150 people through the 500 hour comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training program. Concurrently, she works as Bowenwork practitioner and a Restorative Wellness Practitioner both as additional modalities to troubleshoot healing and optimal wellness. She utilizes her education in all realms (psychology, movement, naturopathic health and nutrition) in her approach to beauty. What we put on and in our bodies matters but not nearly as much as HOW and WHY we do so. Marilyn approaches health and beauty through a triad -movement, nutrition and self care. Out of self care, self love is born. And out of self love authentic purpose, passion, and works are done. She believes that all pursuit of happiness and purpose begins by anchoring yourself spiritually and loving yourself through the eyes of God.